YAY! Its holiday tomorrow! WEE~ No need to go school tomorrow! Labels: school
Since its schooling term now, so this entry shall be about school. OMG. BORING~ Haha.
I'm so hate Mdm Jiang. Shes so annoying. Monday got tuition 3pm - 4pm. And told us not to skip them cause its NOT supplementary/remedial but class lessons. That's crazy man. And the lesson is so hell boring. An hour's lesson seems to be 5 hours long man. Somemore this year, she's even more scarier than I thought. OMG. HELP ME!
Ms Chow's Chemistry today is so damn funny today. Haha. I still rmbr GG called the burette as "Kotex" (not funny I know, but I think it is). And the pipette's filler. Ms Chow said it's called the "sucker". Haha. Because the pipette's filler are supposed to help to suck up the liquid into the pipette. Haha.
Going to do homework later. Hopefully I will be able to finish them by today and enjoy myself tomorrow. If not, I guess I'm going crazy tomorrow's night and the day after tomorrow. ARGGH!