I realised something today. My 4wards script looked like a stack of giam chai. In case some people dont know what is giam chai, giam chai is a kind of vegetables that is very very salty. I describe my script as giam chai is because it's very torn and tattered. Labels: drama
So yes, I tried to photocopy a whole new set again. I thought that I could finish copying in few minutes time, but it took me 1 whole hour to do it! I scan into the computer, and tried to edit the pages because it is very ugly if I just print out like this. Then I printed wrong side and page 2 became inverted. So I printed again and I make the same mistake again. And I wasted alot of ink and paper. OMG.
Finally I finished. PHEW~ And my tutor came :(
The reason why I decided to re-print a new copy is because YW said this: people please protect your script. Your script is just like your bible. You cant live without it. And I agree with it totally. We are all actors, if our scripts is like giam chai, I dont think we have the heart to act with a giam chai script. XD
So now I have a new set of script to start my script disecting homework!! YAY!