Sometimes I hate weekends, because weekends means that I have nothing to do at home and weekends means that I cannot go out due to the extreme laziness factor. So well, I sat infront of the computer to rot as usual. Did many things in the afternoon, and perhaps I shall summarize what I did today here: Labels: misc
1) Bought a new earpiece today (yay! I've changed my earpiece finally.)
2) Discover a not-yet-developed pimple on my face today.
3) Downloaded a couple of Opeth's music/songs and currently addicted to them.
4) Having a tummyache again. Clearly shown that the medicine didnt really work. -.-
5) Rushed out the final draft of the programme booklet design for printing.
6) Made a blogskin and going to do codings when I'm free.
7) Stoned quite awhile because of writer's block for SYDA 2006.
8) Bitched about 2 people with KH. ^^
9) Found out why the competition ended earlier than expected dateline.
10) Added a to-do list at the sidebar.
That's about it I guess.