Ever since the invention of cheap and affordable digital camera/phone camera, everyone seems going crazy about cam-whoring. Posting head-only + big eyes pictures seem to be avaliable everywhere. Labels: topics
Went to http://dawnyang.com and saw her cam-whore pictures, which is freaking ALOT. Compare to http://xiaxue.blogspot.com, I will still prefer xiaxue's clubbing pictures. At least those pictures are not as boring as tons of your self pictures with different poses.
Neoprint machines seems to be getting less popular nowadays, because everyone had one thing (or two) in their pocket, their camera phone (or digital camera). Snapping pictures can be done at any places, in the MRT, buses, streets, shops or even when you are walking. And with the help of Adobe Photoshop, tadah! Your very own neoprint pictures is done.
Photo shops seems to be getting less business as well, because of the invention of color photo printer. Print your pictures at home seems faster than printing in the shops. Only one or two people will patronise the shops for their passport photo to be taken.
It's pretty sad to see lesser and lesser people patronising these shops to take pictures.