First day of school! Meh, it was ok... quite slacking. To think I'm like a little kid yesterday, shedding tears infront of the computer and told myself 'I don't want to go to school...". For those who comforted and saying "Jia You!" to me, I thank you all for that. Really appreciate it. Thanks Adrian. Thanks Jaspas. Thanks the others whom I forgot to mention (I only remember they too).
It's a good start I believe. With Mr Tan Liang Hooi back as our Physics teacher and Mdm Prema as our English teacher, I'm sure my physics will be so much better than before and well... will not be too slacking during English lessons.
I came home with a bottle of tinner (not sure how exactly it is spelled) and 2 tubs of paint for painting the Drama banner tomorrow. Scalded my finger while ironing the white cloth (banner) and now that patch of wound remains red. Just finished transferring half of the picture and my back starts to ache. So I've decided to do it at drama room tomorrow since it's like so late now.
Was chatting about McDonalds with Scott and I discovered that their Macs don't have what we Singaporeans have. Would like to try theirs if I ever go to London.
There's Physics lesson tomorrow. W0ot~