Tuesday, March 11, 2008 ; 2:20 PM
Another wishlist
Yeserday I went to Far East Plaza with Weepeng after work (volunteering) @ TFP.
- Walked around, bought 2 tee shirts @ around $20 for 2.
- Walked around, saw a bag which is big enough for school, and looks cool. $30.
- Walked around, saw a pair of pointy toed canvas shoe, selling for $19.90.
- Walked around, saw another pair of pointy toed canvas shoe in dirty yellow color, selling for $29.90.
- Walked around, saw a notebook at Paper People @ $12.50. I'm so gonna get it.
- Paper People also sells weird shirts. Looks cool but dont know the price.
Total: Near $100
I wanna get more tee shirts.
CK told me hes getting the fashion police because I like to wear color clashes things and that I should start wearing heels like everyday.
Aite that's it. Bb.Labels: updates