Inspired by Juicy Couture's Website, Prada's Fall/Winter Collection 2006 and Marilyn Monroe, this blog is designed in vibrant colors, yet a hint of vintage feel of the 1920s.

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Counter since 26 May 2007


Valie ♥

SP Landscape Architecture

The Finger Players
Buds Youth Theatre
CCKSS Drama Club










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Designer : retardarts
Ideas contributed: enex, scott

Brushes: Street Carcircus

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.


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Replies will be made fast,
but links will have to wait a lil' longer.

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Monday, June 30, 2008 ; 10:19 PM



The reason for me asking for votes is because I'M ONE OF THE TOP 10 FINALIST IN BEST BLOG DESIGN CATERGORY.


The winner will win a laptop and a trophy!

And you can vote once everyday! So go vote everyday I begggg youuuu~

After this ends, I promise the modelling pictures will be up. Go go go!


Now this is the last time I'm asking you guys to vote. I need more votes! Go vote for me! GOGOGO.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ; 1:17 AM
Moving soon

Dont you think my blog lacks some certain emotions of a human?

Like... my blog only has happy memories and that's it.

I guess that always happens when a blog gets too audience-orientated. Keep the audiences coming in by entertaining them with happy reads.

Not going to anymore.

After a few more post and after I get my 50bucks from Nuffnang (Yes, I have enough money to cash out my earnings), I'm shutting this blog down.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ; 12:32 PM
2 more photos for you!

This Saturday I'm going to Labrador Park for a photoshoot again!

I'm so excitied about this one, I've been looking forward to this since... erm... April?

Oh yea, I'm going to move my blog soon.. moving to some place where no one will find me. And if you found it, you're lucky. Currently I have already finished making my site, so moving would be very soon.

If you didn't see me here, that means I'm there.

Goodbye retardarts blog.

Privacy, the utmost important thing in life.


Sunday, June 15, 2008 ; 11:23 PM
Internet ROM

Something interesting for dating couples to play with!

Go to

You know couples do silly things when they are together?
Here is it!

Deardear and I took an awful long time to choose an auspicious date for our registry. Haha. Finally we found one that he likes, and I have no objection.

So we decided to get married on 20 July!

It sounds good on Chinese Lunar Calendar, and he likes it because its 128 days away from the day we met. Initially we wanted to get 7 Oct, because in the Lunar Calendar it is 9 Sep, which also means eternal forever (chang chang jiu jiu) in Chinese. But he don't like it when its 207 days away from the day we met. He doesn't like odd numbers.

Fussy boy. :P

Haha. It sounds funny, silly but I guess that's something couples enojy to do.. and not going to movies and fun places all the time. You'll get sick of it eventually.

I'm now sharing our joy with you!
Go to this Link!

Have fun couples!


; 9:10 PM

From SGfriends:

Hahaha. Money No Enough 2.. coming your way

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; 1:01 PM
Here's a...

Small preview of the photoshoot yesterday.



Wednesday, June 11, 2008 ; 10:31 PM
Release of blog poll results

The poll results has officially ended.
Thank you for participating!

Now for the results:

Number of participants: 30
Number of questions: 5

Q: How often do you read my blog?
17% (05)- Everyday
10% (03)- Twice a week
03% (01)- 3 times a week
07% (03)- More than 3 times a week
60% (18)- Once in a blue moon

18 comes once in a blue moon?! No wonder why my counter is so inconsistent at times. Tsk.

Q: Are you a regular tagger of my shoutouts?
03% (01)- Yes
42% (13)- No, but I've tagged before (as a friend)
00% (00)- No, but I've tagged before (as anonymous)
53% (16)- No. I've never tagged before

Aiyooooo~ No wonder why my tagboard is so silent most of the times.

Q: How old are you?
00% (00)- Below 13
21% (06)- Below 16
32% (09)- Below 18
39% (12)- 18 - 21
07% (03)- 21 and above

o.o I didn't know that my blog can attract people from the last age group.

Q: What would you like to see more in my blog?
03% (01)- More songs, lyrics & videos
25% (08)- My school life
50% (15)- Funny entries
21% (06)- My drawings

SEE! I knew it! Everyone who comes to my blog is hoping for funny entries. I'm worse than a comedian, need to spread my life to others in a funny way. =(

Q: How did you find out about my blog?
25% (08)- Through friends/family
10% (03)- Through websites
00% (00)- Through search engines
42% (13)- I gave you the link myself
21% (06)- Others

Thank you people for recommending my humble blog to your friends/family! *kiss*

Ok ok. I have to say that I have a bunch of small but loyal readers around. I've earned you guys with entries that probably are less untruthful, more funny yet honest thoughts and feelings. I hope you will continue to support this little blog, and help me to expand the readerships a little more than before. On the whole, I love you guys!

Will be updating sizzling hot photos and outings once I have the opportunity to! Tomorrow am going back to the nursery to replant my plants. My poor babies died. =(


Have a pleasant holiday!

Thank you guys once again!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ; 12:54 PM
Couple Shoot

If you haven't done the poll, please do it! It only takes up 5 minutes of your time.


Oh yes, I'll be doing a TFCD couple shoot with a photographer, Dennis C. I'm sooooo looking forward to this shoot.

We're currently on planning now. The male model said anything to everything I've said so I have the final say before I propose to the photographer!


I hope the photos will come up to be fabulous.. and then I shall print it and put it on my cubicle.

Deardear I love you!

Anyway, if you have watched 变奏曲 (bian zou qu), here's an interesting site for you!



Monday, June 09, 2008 ; 2:23 PM
Feeling lazy

I went to granny's house yesterday for a get-together session. Seeing my cousins are such a joy! It's been a long time since I've seen them.

I feel so lazy today!

I don't feel like going anywhere, doing anything. And when I use the comp, I do nothing except staring the screen! I'm also lazy to buy my lunch even when I'm now damn hungry.


Someone buy my lunch for me please~~~

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Sunday, June 08, 2008 ; 1:16 PM
Happy Monthsary!

If you haven't notice it yet...
Scroll down and take at my "Awards" Section. There's a new banner!

Thank you for making me remain at 2nd place for 'Most Popular Blog'!

Keep voting!


Today marks the first month of Me and CK.
I love you deardear! Happy monthsary!

I've been listening to old songs this morning. My current fav is 傷痕 by Sandy Lam.


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Saturday, June 07, 2008 ; 1:26 PM
Stylebytes has been taken down :(

My favourite fashion blog, Stylebytes, has been taken down.

Kinda sad, isn't it?

I absolutely love Stylebytes. Agathe, the author of the blog, was the greatest source of inspiration when it comes to picking my clothes out of the wardrobe. She is not some big famous celebrity, but her style of clothings and advices probably get people through some thinking.

I'm not sure why she taken down this blog, but I just hope that she'll put up the site again.

I miss stylebytes.


Thursday, June 05, 2008 ; 8:23 PM
Nominate your favourite blogger: Me, Valie


If you like my blog, go go go nominate my blog at It doesn't take you too long, just squeeze out 5 minutes of your precious time just like how you vote for me in SGfriends!

Below are the informations for the nomination:

Your Details:
Your full name:
Your Emai:

Details of Nominated Blog:
Blog title: retardarts
Blog url:
Contesting Catergory:
Blogger's Name: Valerie
Blogger's Email:
Blogger's Contact No.: (If you have it, then type it)
Reason for nomination:

Go to to nominate!


; 5:30 PM
Starbucks Coffee Session

On last Sunday, 1st June 2008
Had a coffee session with Deardear.

I need to save up for a digital camera.
Can't stand this lousy quality.

Ink Sketching

Deardear calling his coursemate

Ghost face Valie


; 2:49 PM

1. Thanks for helping me to achieve 2nd in place for Most Popular Award in!


2. I'm on this quite pissed and lousy mood because 2 of my group mates didnt come for the OC feedback today. And one of them is trying to escape from the online meeting later.

3. I feel even lousier because today is monthly blood donation day. I'm having a constant cramp for the entire day and I still need to prepare somethings for the online meeting later at 8pm.

That's about it.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008 ; 3:17 PM
This is really a very sad entry...

I'm in Ngee Ann Poly now.


Alright. Tell you something. I JUST FINISHED A BOOK!

It's a romance novel called "Sex, lies and online dating" by Rachel Gibson.

It's an entertaining read I tell you. A little erotic I would say, but if you can imagine.. Hey, you'll find it both hilarious and romantic at the same time.

Go buy it. It's good.


I would really wish that I could whine as much as I want in my blog, because this is MY SPACE. However, whining... doesn't solve much problems. In fact, it add on more problems, more burdens about other people. People come to my blog for stress relieve because they are mostly happy reads.

As many would have guessed, I'm not happy with my current life.

Though I led a quite fulfilling, stressful-but-happy lifestyle in school, I think I'm no happy man inside. Everyone who is a regular reader of my blog knows what is my passion, what I really like to do.

To be able to have the talent to act, to pretend even for just an hour is a joy to me. I get to relax myself totally when I used to go back to Drama or BUDS. I like there because it's like a second home to me, I get to do what I like to do without caring much about anything. Even though the days were stressful enough for you to tear all the hair from your head, those days were the most happiest days of my life.

I guess I can never do the same again. 2 days ago, I finally return back to BUDS because I'm finally free from school work. But perhaps that session is trying to tell me to give up my passion for 5 years. I experienced my first ever blanked out on stage, the kind of feeling I never had. I can't think, I can't wack a scene out of anything. Because of that, I cried.

"It's no big deal," you said. To me, Drama means alot to me. It is a starting point of my life, somewhere where I met so many good friends, those that don't mind how I look, how I speak, how I react. I feel good there because of them, and many teachers who have helped me over the years have taught me many good values on how to be a better person.

I believe I have a talent in this area. During these years I stay on and fight. I've came so far, yet I lost it all because of my hectic polytechnic lifestyle. Many a times I felt like giving up, yet I stayed on because of something, something that makes my life complete. Now this time I really feel that I should give up. Perhaps this road was never meant for me. Again and again I've met so many obstacles. This one is the biggest. I can never revert back to the same again.

I really miss the old time, the times I stayed up late in the night because I'm doing things for Drama. Compliments are always there to keep me going ahead, and friends are there for me when I feel vulnerable.

Who can I turn to at this point of time? Everyone doesn't look the same to me anymore. They looked distant, and I'm sure they feel the same way as I did when they all look at me.

As for my current course, I'm happy to fit in there because I remembered saying something like if God wants me to fall into that pit of shit, then I shall.
I'm glad I can survive in there, and new coursemates have been very supportive of me. However, it just feels different. I keep a distance away from everyone, not that I'm like some arrogant bastard and stuffs but I just tend to be cautious. I don't think I will be able to pour out my heartfelt words to them anytime soon not because I don't treat them as friends. It's just different. When I can say anything under the sun to a person, that means I know them well enough to pour secrets. However they aren't that close yet, we don't have much topics to share about, and I certainly don't have any hobbies that interests them. I find it hard to communicate though I've tried. I'm happy to fit in, but not very happy because I only fit in and not totally be in it.


Oh btw, sorry for not replying to any tags since god-knows-when. I've been rather busy the past previous weeks, and I'm feeling rather down lately.

Till then.

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